Saturday, January 27, 2007

What's Your Name Again?

Careful readers saw that we had something written on these t-shirts. And perhaps wondered at the post title of "Flavorettes."

As I recounted at Pop a few months ago, and as Sophie adds at Flickr, we have a bit of a Flavor Flav obsession going on.

How bad do we have it? We have our own Flav nicknames: Carlie is Vanilla Latte, I am Smartie, Melissa is Gigglz, and Sophie is BabyMama. (Tho I also think of them as our YALSA Yals nicknames.) For reasons that made sense at the time, in Seattle we got Flav T-shirts made and wore them to the Youth Media Awards.

Over at my LiveJournal syndication, Lara Zeises says "This is the cutest picture. I want a nickname, dangit! :)"

Yes, we are cute. (And, as 7 Impossible Things.... readers know, I am not just cute; I am also a red-headed babe.)

Lara, because you are an awesome writer, we dub thee AustenGrrl after one of our favorite writers ever. (Hm....where is my DVD of Colin Firth in a wet shirt Pride and Prejudice?) And resist the temptation to misspell Austen (which would be such a Flav thing to do.)

As for others who left comments: Christine, we dub thee Jersey (because you're a Jersey girl)

Kelly, we dub thee Professor (The Pro for short)


christine M said...

Thanks for the name - it's true, I'm a Jersey girl - though, having been born in Philly, that city will always hold a special place in my heart!

Liz B said...

Well, we could always call you Cheesesteak instead.

Your call.

christine M said...

Jersey is just fine, thanks.