Friday, May 22, 2009


Booklights is a new blog over at PBS, to "inspire a love of reading in your child with help from these children’s book experts ."

And who are these children's book experts?

Gina Montefusco, who works on the PBS KIDS Raising Readers initiative.

Jen Robinson, of Jen Robinson's Book Page.

Pam Coughlan, of MotherReader.

Susan Kusel, of Wizards Wireless.

You know what I like about Booklights? Of course, that it involves bloggers whose blogs I love. But also, when you read more about them, the contributors are a mix of library people and non-library people, parents and people who aren't parents. It's a nice, varied list of people, all who have the important things in common: books, reading, promoting literacy. And, the bloggers are each continuing their own blogs.

So far, most of the books discussed have been picture books, easy readers, and chapter books, but I imagine that books for teens will be included, also.

Yes, they are on Twitter.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Robin Brande said...

This is so great! Congratulations to the women involved--and of course they should pick you!

Susan Kusel said...

Liz- I just saw this incredibly nice post. Thank you so much! I like that we all have different backgrounds, too.

At present, Booklights is focusing on the under 12 crowd. That's why you're seeing a lot of picture book and chapter book recommendations.

Jen Robinson said...

Hi Liz,

I'm just catching up after vacation, and was happy to see your post about Booklights. Good catch on the diverse backgrounds thing - that was one of the earliest things that Gina and I talked about (at ALA last summer) - I'm so glad that it's been a success so far.