Sunday, November 22, 2009

Round 'Em Up!

Charlotte of Charlotte's Library is rounding up this week's reviews of Middle Grade Science Fiction and Fantasy Books. If you like reading these books (or know readers who do!) click through for the roundup. If you reviewed a Middle Grade SF/F book, click through and comment to add your title to the roundup.

This is week two of what promises to be a weekly feature. As Charlotte explains, she wants any posts about SF/F for the Middle Grade; so if you had an interview, a rant, musings, well, you know the drill.

I've always thought of Middle Grade as that time period in between early readers and young adult. I guess the old-fashioned label for "tween." Charlotte is my type of blogger, because in her first post she explains that "Middle Grade" is ages 9 to 12. I love a person who understands the importance of defining the terms we use.

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy

1 comment:

Charlotte said...

Hi Liz,

Thanks for the shout-out, the link you left at my place, and the reminder about interviews--I've gone back in and added the WBBT links.