Saturday, April 03, 2010

Nerds Heart YA

And it is always about me....

Over at Nerds Heart YA, they are introducing the consultants. Which includes me this year. Which I'm very excited about.

And in case you missed it: the judges for this year.

Why, that is all lovely and charming, you may say, but what is Nerds Heart YA?

Basically (as is told in longer version at the Nerds Heart YA Website), it's a bracket-style book competition. Thirty-two books, blogger judges, and the books are all YA books that are fantastic but under represented (aka, didn't get as much attention as they deserved). This year the central focus is diversity, specifically Person(s) of Color (POC), GLBT, Disability/Mental Illness, Religious Lifestyle and Lower Socioeconomic Status.

As you know from my comments about SLJ's Battle of the Kids Books, what I like about these types of competitions is not who wins or loses. It's drawing attention to books, as well as looking not at the "winner" of a round but rather at the "why" that book won.

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Lenore Appelhans said...

I can't wait to see which books get put in the brackets. I'll be watching closely since I will be judging the FINALS.

Michelle said...

Liz, so excited to have you on board! As you've mentioned here I hope that all of the books seeded in the brackets are considered winners no matter how they may work through to the ultimate end.

tanita✿davis said...

Huh. This sounds interesting. I think the SLJ thing is a little weird, really, but bringing attention to books without having to have a "loser" is a good thing.

Unknown said...

Thanks for mentioning the tournament. My favourite thing is the way NerdsHeartYA can bring attention to all the books (I'm always so excited to see someone mention the book that lost out in my bracket last year, as one they want to read now). I can't wait to see which books the consultants think should move on.

Liz B said...

Waves hi to all!

Tanita, in my "all hold hands, eat cake, sing kumbaya" world just because one book advances and one book...doesn't.... doesn't make the non-advancer a loser.