Monday, May 17, 2010

The Other Side of the Mountain

Colleen Mondor of Chasing Ray has an article, On The Other Side of the Mountains, in the Anchorage Press.

At Chasing Ray, Mondor says: "This particular chapter of the book, "The Other Side of the Mountains", (slightly altered for length and so it could standalone), is about a real historic event when two of AK's most famous bush pilots were feared lost while en route to Barrow in 1928. I wrote about similarities between that flight and modern times and how insignificant maps can be when you don't know where you are."

I got chills reading it; it's from her manuscript, The Map of My Dead Pilots. An awesome title, and as this excerpt shows, the writing matches the title for awesomeness.

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


sally said...

I happened to see this in my sidebar where I have kitlit posts listed. Thanks for linking to Mondor's article. It was chilling, you're right. The book sounds fascinating.

I lived in Alaska for over twenty years and my brother-in-law died in a plane that flew into a mountain in the fog. Nine people from one small village died in that crash. It's a wild way to live and die.

Colleen said...

Oh - thanks for the kind words, Liz! I really appreciate it. (And it's always nice to meet a fellow Alaskan, Sally - former or otherwise!)

Jodie said...

It's so good. I am now tapping my foot impatiently for some publisher to recognise how many people will love the whole book.