Tuesday, February 11, 2020

So, folks, I have some amazing news!

I am a member of the 2021 Newbery Award Selection Committee.


I am excited and scared and over the moon.

What this means for this blog:

I will not be writing about any 2021 titles that are eligible for the Newbery, due to the rules, regulations, and policies of ALSC.

I will have very little time to read anything that is not being read for the committee, or time to write about what I am reading that is non committee related, so there won't be much happening here.

Some things I will be posting:

Brief mentions of adult books I am reading.

Short reviews of books from the 2020 Notables List from ALSC.  If you're a librarian in New Jersey, you know that am part of panels that do presentations on the Notables List; and I use this blog to record my reviews, and use those reviews when I am part of such presentations. Do not assume anything from the books I review here. First, they are 2020 titles, not 2021. Second, they will be recaps with what I liked about it, not critiques and serious evaluation. Third, the reasons for what I read from that list are simple: I need to have read at least 15 to 18 for the presentations, and I read what is easily available to me to read.

So, nothing about the current books I'm reading for Newbery.

Anyway, off to start reading! If you do have questions about the Newbery, take a look at the manual. Yes, it really is that long.

A not quite realistic photo of me reading:


Dr. L said...

Sooo jealous!

Charlotte said...

Congratulations! Have a great time!

Scope Notes said...

That's awesome! I hope you have a great committee year.

marjorie said...


Jenny @ Reading the End said...

Oh my gosh, that's so exciting! Congratulations!