Sunday, February 24, 2008

Printz: Eligibility

Continuing my series of posts about the Policies and Procedures of the Printz Committee, taken from the YALSA website. All of these posts are labelled with the tag "Printz." And now; eligibility! What books are eligible for the Printz? From the YALSA site:


The award‑winning book may be fiction, non‑fiction, poetry or an anthology.

As many as four honor titles may be selected.

Books must have been published between January 1 and December 31 of the year preceding announcement of the award.

To be eligible, a title must have been designated by its publisher as being either a young adult book or one published for the age range that YALSA defines as "young adult," i.e., 12 through 18. Adult books are not eligible.

Works of joint authorship or editorship are eligible.

The award may be given posthumously provided the other criteria are met.

Books previously published in another country are eligible (presuming an American edition has been published during the period of eligibility.)

If no title is deemed sufficiently meritorious, no award will be given that year.

The chair is responsible for verifying the eligibility of all nominated titles.

Unlike the Margaret A. Edwards Award, the Printz Award does not require the attendance of the winning authors at the awards ceremonies. However, it is understood that authors will be encouraged to attend.
So, that's the criteria, for those wondering. Questions? Comments?

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