Monday, March 09, 2015

If You're An ALA Member -- Please Vote!

I'll be attending ALA's Annual Conference in San Francisco. I have meetings to go to, and programs I want to attend, and with your help I may be able to present!

Right now, voting is up for ALA's Conversation Starters and Ignite Sessions.

I submitted a Conversation Starter, so please go to the page for my suggestion conversation starter, Beyond Print: Audiobooks, Large Print, and Braille, and vote by signing into ALA Connect and liking it by clicking on the thumbs-up.

The description of my program: "If you think your audiobook collection is meeting your community’s needs, think again! Discover the audiobooks that you can’t find at the bookstore or on WorldCat, so you can turn your “no” into a “yes” for patrons who need audiobooks. Learn about why kids need large print books and how to meet that need. Find out about available Braille books so that you can make your library Braille-reader friendly. And then, let’s start brainstorming ways so that more people learn about this hidden library of titles."

Look through all the conversation starters and ignite sessions -- you can vote for as many programs as you want to (but you can only vote once for each individual program).

And if you have a program up there, please leave a link in the comments to the direct page so that we can all go and vote for it.

Thanks, and hopefully I'll be seeing you in San Francisco!

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy

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