Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Call for Papers: Terminus

The only thing better than reading Harry Potter and discussing it online is reading Harry Potter and discussing it in person, right?
This is your chance to not only discuss all your favorite aspects of Harry Potter, but to maybe get academic credit for it, too.

I had the pleasure of presenting at Narrate Conferences, Inc.'s last symposium, Phoenix Rising, on the topic of what it's like to
review books for professional publications (I review for Kirkus and VOYA as well as Teenreads.com) versus what it's like to
review fanfiction. Let me tell you: These people at Narrate put on a good show.

If you've got a paper about Harry (or any of the other hundreds of characters), now's your chance to submit it for

(Disclaimer: Although I do know many of the people on the Narrate Conferences staff, I am not associated with the
business in any way.)

Chicago, IL
August 7-11, 2008
A Harry Potter Conference presented by Narrate Conferences, Inc.

Terminus, an interdisciplinary Harry Potter-themed conference to take place August 7- 11, 2008, in Chicago, Illinois, seeks papers, panels,
interactive workshops, roundtable discussions, and other presentation formats suitable for an audience of academics, students, professionals,
and fans.

The overarching conference themes focus on the completed series. Analyses that address the development of topics through the entirety
of the seven Harry Potter books are especially encouraged, including those topics that focus on the related cultural phenomenon. The
programming will not be limited to those themes, however, and proposals that address specific aspects of the Harry Potter series, related
works, and surrounding community across all disciplines are encouraged as well. A non-exhaustive list of sample topics includes literary
analyses of the novels; studies of the cultural phenomenon; use of the novels in schools and libraries for education; examination of related
business and legal issues; scientific explanations of magic in the series; media and fan studies; craft-based workshops in writing, art, and
publishing; and overviews of how the series and films fit into larger contexts.

Submission to the vetting board is by online system only. No other format or contact will be accepted. The submission system is located
at http://www.terminus2008.org/submissions/.

The deadline for proposals is February 1, 2008, and notices regarding proposals will be sent no later than March 1, 2008.

At the time of proposal submission, we require an abstract of 300-500 words, a 50-100 word presentation summary, and a
presenter biography of no more than 100 words. Those wishing to submit a proposal for a roundtable discussion may submit
a brief explanation of a topic and a list of 10-15 sample discussion questions in lieu of a formal abstract.

Conference papers will be collected for publication at a later date. Presenters must be registered for the conference no later
than April 15, 2008. For more information about programming, our review process and proposal submissions, please see
the Terminus website at http://www.terminus2008.org/programming/. Questions specifically about programming may
be directed to programming @ terminus2008.org.

Terminus is a presentation of Narrate Conferences, Inc., a 501(c)(3) charitable organization with the mission of organizing
academic, literary, and exploratory
conferences that appeal to adult scholars, students, professionals, and fans. For
inquiries about Narrate Conferences, Inc., please write to info @ narrateconferences.org.

This conference is not endorsed, sanctioned or any other way supported, directly or indirectly, by Warner Bros.
Entertainment, the Harry Potter book publishers, or J. K. Rowling and her representatives.


Brian Farrey said...

I don't think the paper I want to write would be well-received. I've been working on a theory lately that the wizarding world has much in common with our perceptions of the Old West. Everyone carries a potentially lethal weapon (wands vs. guns)that doesn't require registration. It's essentially OK to "curse" (read: shoot) someone without legal recrimination. Viewed this way, the books look more like a Republican fantasy.

(Tongue firmly in cheek. Please don't villify me.)

tanita✿davis said...

This is cool. When I was in grad school, I knew a girl doing her thesis on Buffy. I love the cross-over of popular culture and academia. I have nothing to say in a paper (although I think Brian should work that one right up!), but it's still very cool that it's happening.