Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Guy Romance

Carlie is being uncharacteristically quiet in the self promotion department, so it's up to me to be all "lookee here! lookee here!"

Carlie has an article, 'Scuse Me While I Kiss This Guy: Guy-centric YA romance, in the June 2008 Readers' Advisor New, a quarterly newsletter from Libraries Unlimited. Go here to sign up for the newsletter.

It's a great list, with titles for older and younger teens, and includes GLBT romance. Yay!


tanita✿davis said...

Carlie! Dude! Don't be all holding out on us. Guys Lit Wire needs all the talking up of guyesque books you smart types can find!

Carlie Webber said...

Hey, I was getting here! Us blondes are slow sometimes.

Tadmack, I did send Guys Lit Wire an email about the article, so perhaps they'd be willing to link to it?

Anonymous said...

I really liked the article. Thank you for mentioning my novel.

Carlie Webber said...

Now, Debby, did you like the article because it was good or because it mentioned your book? ;) Either way, how could I NOT mention Storky?

Anonymous said...

I liked the article as well. My first two books are more for girls, but I'm hoping to bring in guys for the series I'm currently working on. If you get a chance, I'm looking for some feedback on my business site layout (a publishing company for teens), come on over and let me know what you think.