Friday, July 02, 2010

ALA 2010: Promoting Teen Reading with Web 2.0 Tools

On Friday, I presented at the preconference, Promoting Teen Reading with Web 2.0 Tools. Wendy Stephens organized it, and did a terrific job. Wendy on Twitter; and her website.

My topic? Fanfiction! So of course, I had to wear my favorite Team Peeta T-shirt.

I was part of a "speed dating" presentation, so speaking with a small group of attendees, moving on to the next group, etc.

I had a one-page handout for attendees. For those of you who are curious, here are the resources I included. Any questions, please let me know!



Archive: Online site that stores fan fiction. May be general or specific to one fandom.

Beta reader: Editors for fan fiction.

Canon: The source material.

C&D: Cease And Desist letters. When the copyright owner requests you stop.

Fandom: The fan community for a story, book, movie, television show, game, etc.

Fan fiction: Fan written stories inspired by original works by others.

Mary Sue: An idealized character, often perceived as representing the author. When male, called “Gary Stu.” Sometimes found in original fiction.

Ship: A romantic relation”ship” between two characters.

Slash: A romantic relationship between two same sex characters.


Anelli, Melissa. Harry, A History: The True Story of a Boy Wizard, His Fans, and Life Inside the Harry Potter Phenomenon. Pocket, 2008.

Burns, Elizabeth and Carlie Webber. "When Harry Met Bella: Fanfiction is all the rage. But is it plagiarism? Or the perfect thing to encourage young writers?,” School Library Journal, Vol. 55, No. 8, August 2009.

Chilling Effects Clearinghouse, Legal issues for online activity., Largest online archive.

Moore, Rebecca C. “All Shapes of Hunger: Teenagers and Fanfiction.” Voice of Youth Advocates, April, 2005.

Pflieger, Pat. Too Good To Be True: 150 Years of Mary Sue. Presented at the American Culture Association conference, March 31, 1999, San Diego, CA. Revised.

Schaffner, Becca. “In Defense of Fanfiction,” Horn Book. November/December 2009.

Edited to add: Cazzy Files reports on the preconference.

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy

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