Friday, December 15, 2006

Poetry Friday

My contribution: lyrics from Harry and the Potters.

The Song: Save Ginny Weasley.

Are you scared to walk through the hallways?
Are you worried that the spiders run away?
Are you petrified
Of being petrified?
Are we going to have to save the school again?

We've got to save Ginny Weasley from the basilisk
We've got to save the school from that unseen horror
We've got to save Ginny Weasley from the basilisk
We've got to save the school again.

The rest of the lyrics.

The You Tube Experience.

Their MySpace page (with music, including this song!).

Round Up is at Big A little a.


Anonymous said...

Nice choice. :)

Brian Farrey said...

I have this terrible feeling that if we lived anywhere near each other, we'd constantly be geeking out on any number of spurious pursuits, would lose our jobs for lack of attendance, and die from starvation from our attempt to sit through a simultaneous Harry Potter/Buffy marathon without sleeping.

Nancy said...


(on another note, did you see the new Nancy Drew movie trailer? I posted with the link.)