Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Books for Second Graders

My reading is mostly YA and older J, with picture books that catch my eye. I know that there are good books out there for second graders, but that is my weak spot.

Thank goodness for Chicken Spaghetti, who has put together a very nice list of books for second graders. So now I have something to say other than Magic Treehouse.


christine M said...

Stephen is not really ready to acknowledge that there is anything out there BUT Magic Tree House. But, we're working on it (since he's read them all)

Anonymous said...

Some second graders asked me about books to read, giving me a nice excuse to come up with a list. I will revamp it as I get more suggestions, too.

Meanwhile, I just spent the weekend reading Mummies in the Morning (Magic Tree House #3) to my first-grader! The one about Polar Bears is on the horizon...

Thanks for the link!