Thursday, October 19, 2006

Cybil: Graphic Novels

If you'd like to serve on the judging or nominating committees for the Graphic Novels category, please leave a comment or send me an e-mail. Please let me know what your second choice category would be as well.


Mary Lee said...

My first choice is MG fiction, but I'll do Graphic Novels as my 2nd choice. Let me know.

A Year of Reading

Sarah Stevenson said...

I'm a YA lit blogger at WritingYA and Readers' Rants, and would love to participate either on the nominating or judging committees (wherever I'm needed most). I've also dropped Jen Robinson a line for the YA category--feel free to assign me wherever more people are still needed. Please let me know what I need to do next. Thanks!! - Sarah

Laura Atkins said...

I've emailed already, but just in case I thought I'd comment too. My first and second choices would be graphic novels (either nominating or reviewing committee). But if that didn't work, then fantasy/sci fi would be my second.....

Thanks for putting all this together! What a great idea....