Monday, November 30, 2009

Gift Giving Idea Round Up

So many people are organized about upcoming gift giving ideas!

Abby (the) Librarian's Twelve Days of Giving has started.

MotherReader has many inventive, creative ways to give a book plus with her Ways to Give Books series: 105 Ways to Give a Book.

I know there are a couple of other blogs that always do gift giving posts; Colleen at Chasing Ray has a 12 Days of Christmas Book Lists but it hasn't started one yet this year.

My own contribution was posted in November, Giving Books at Holidays. I'll also direct you to my sidebar, where I have listed both my Favorite Books of 2009 (a work in progress as 2009 isn't over yet!) and my Favorite Books from 2007, 2006, and 2005 as possible gift ideas. Why no 2008? Year of the Printz, baby!

Jen Robinson's post on Gift Giving Ideas linked to the Booklights post on books & gift giving.

The First Novels Club posts The FNC Guide to Holiday Shopping.

I'll update this post as I see more bookish gift giving ideas. Please leave suggestions/links in the comments; it's a big blogosphere out there and I don't want to miss anything.

Edited to add:

Additional lists and ideas:

At Chronicle of an Infant Bibliophile, Christmas/Winter/Holiday Books; Favorite Children's Book Recommendations: Age 0-12 months; and Favorite Children's Book Recommendations: Age 12-24 months.

For those who like to shop off of lists (all the "best/favorite" lists), Chicken Spaghetti has Best Children's Books of 2009: The Big List of Lists.

Sherry at Semicolon has Giving Books: For the nieces and other girls in your life and Giving Books: Audiobooks Are Books, Too. Keep checking back, because she promises to continue the series throughout the month.

Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh's Teensburgh blog has Holiday Giving ideas.

Little Willow has Suggested Sets and the If Then lists (If you or the person you're shopping for like this book, then you/he/she will like this book...) for Elementary School, Middle School, and High School.

Amazon Affiliate. If you click from here to Amazon and buy something, I receive a percentage of the purchase price.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Lynn said...

Great round-up. Thanks! I did a couple of posts recently, with our favorite book recommendations for 0-12 month olds and 12-24 month olds.

Donna Gambale said...

Thanks for the links! I know what's around in YA, but it's always helpful to get recommendations for other genres.

Shannon O'Donnell said...


Great list - thank you! Also, I want you to know that I read the rest of the comments from yesterday's post and am sitting at my computer secretly applauding you!! I am so impressed by the way you held your ground. I teach high school English and I appreciate people like you! :)

Tricia said...

I started a series on gifts for readers and writers. You'll find the first post at:

Sherry said...

I have a couple of post up and a couple I'm still working on:

Giving Books: For the nieces and other girls in your life

Giving Books: Audiobooks are Books, Too
Thanks for the link round-up. I'm enjoying everyone's suggestions.

Little Willow said...

Woo hoo for the round-up!

I'll post my Best Books of 2009 at the end of the month.

I have my perpetual booklists, like Suggested Sets and the If Then lists (If you or the person you're shopping for like this book, then you/he/she will like this book...) for Elementary School, Middle School, and High School. I plan to update all of those soon.