Thursday, November 26, 2009

Turkey Troubles

Turkey Trouble by Wendi Silvano. Illustrated by Lee Harper. Marshall Cavendish Children's Books. 2009. Review copy supplied by publisher.

The Plot: Thanksgiving is coming. Turkey realizes that he is in trouble. What to do? Turkey is a bird of a zillion disguises. First a horse... a cow... a pig. But are any of those farm animals safe? What's a turkey to do?

The Good: Older kids will enjoy Turkey's desperate attempts to avoid his fate, as well as his clever solution.

Harper's illustrations show that Turkey is quite inventive in his costumes. In addition to just being funny, as Turkey hides readers will have fun guessing what Turkey will try to be next.

I do have one small quibble with these types of books; that is, where the main course is shown to be cute and sympathetic. I have images of kids coming home from the library story hour, refusing to eat the turkey dinner. Has anyone ever had that happen? Or are the "I read Charlotte's Web and never ate ham again" kids few and far between?

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

This looks like a very cute book. Have a great day.

Jennifer said...

Yeah, this is a funny one - I just got it for our library. I generally steer away from holiday-themed storytimes, but there are so many fun Thanksgiving books it's hard to resist. Doesn't seem to bother any of my storytime kids that we read stories about turkeys escaping the dreaded Thanksgiving dinner, sing cute songs about turkeys, make turkey crafts....and then eat turkeys. Maybe they don't connect the two? In my case, we live in a quasi-rural community - there's a small slaughter-house and meat store down the street from my apartment building - so I guess a lot of kids already know where meat comes from.

But it's still kinda weird.

Liz B said...

Dianne, yes it is very cute!

Jennifer, at my library, also, there hasn't been any storytime trauma from all the turkey books. Thank goodness! But I always wonder if there is that one kid thinking, "my dinner is that cute turkey?!?" And it would be a whole longer post about how removed we are now from the food process of where we get meat, and what that means with kids.