Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The Sons of Liberty Guest Post

The Sons of Liberty #1 by Alexander Lagos and Joseph Lagos. Illustrated by Steve Walker (artist) and Oren Kramek (colorist). Random House 2010. Review copy from publisher.

As a brief introduction, I LOVED this graphic novel. Set in Colonial Pennsylvania, two runaway slaves develop superpowers and fight back.

I loved this so much that we are doing something a bit different today. I'm participating in a blog tour about the book (I know!). You'll be getting my review in June, but in the meanwhile, enjoy a guest post by Alexander Lagos and Joseph Lagos. And yes, they are brothers!

From the brothers Lagos:

Creating THE SONS OF LIBERTY was fun and challenging. Our first step was to understand the world in which our heroes, Graham and Brody, would exist. That meant immersing ourselves in Colonial America and the American Revolution.

The process began by creating a historical/fictional timeline that helped us in weaving our characters in and out of famous events. Since we live over 1600 miles apart, the bulk of the work process had to be done through e-mailing the draft back and forth, lengthy phone conversations…and, of course, snail mail.

Once a rough draft was complete, we sent the manuscript to Random House in New York to begin that refinement process that all writers are intimately familiar with-editing.

When the final draft is approved, the copy is forwarded to artist, Steve Walker and Colorist, Oren Kramek so that thumbnails and about a hundred other details may be determined. Like the script, drawing and colors go through a careful approval process and a team of people including the authors examine every detail for accuracy.

The end result, is a book that, we hope, will provide, good quality entertainment and a bit of historical information.

~The Lagos Brothers

Some links about the book, including some terrific extra information:

The book website

The blog the Lagos brothers visited yesterday, the Graphic Classroom

And the blog they will be at tomorrow, Comic Book Galaxy

Interior art provided by the publisher. (Yes! Full color interior!)

Amazon Affiliate. If you click from here to Amazon and buy something, I receive a percentage of the purchase price.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


tanita✿davis said...

Just sayin'.
Cannot WAIT to get my hands on this book!

Colleen said...

I was waiting to hear your thoughts on this one as my son is such a rabid fan of all things American Revolutionary (and graphic novels to boot).

I'm ordering a copy right now. Sounds like these guys might make for a cool WBBT interview down the line too, eh?

Anonymous said...

I got the book and cannot believe how awesome it was. It was hands down the best graphic novel I've ever read. Now I can't wait for the next one!!!!
Kudos to the creators for such a fabulous story and kudos to the artists as well!