Tuesday, June 20, 2006

ALA Bound

And I'm not even packed.

If I can check in, I will. If not, I'll be back next week.


Brian Farrey said...

1) Give my love to David.
2) Snag lots of ARCs and share the love with your blog readers.
3) Give more love to David. Make sure he knows it's from me.
4) Get an authentic New Orleans praline.
5)Slip David my phone number. Tell him I've noticed his Friendster profile lists him as single and I think I can do something about that.
6) Repeat steps 1, 3, and 5 until epiphany occurs.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Liz, have a beignet and some chicory coffee at Cafe du Monde for me, okay? Have fun!

Little Willow said...

Have fun! Be safe! :)

I read your review of Storm Thief and now can't wait to read it.

Liz B said...


While I was able to give your love to David and get you a signed copy of Nick & Norah, I was unable to slip him your phone number.

I did get my picture taken with him, perhaps you can photoshop me out and put yourself in?


Brian Farrey said...

Shut up! You did not!

Liz B said...

Did too!