Monday, August 04, 2008

Pop Goes the Library: The Book

Yes, it has finally happened.

Pop Goes the Library: Using Pop Culture To Connect With Your Whole Community (aka "the book" aka "Pop The Book") is a real book.

Sophie has a post up at the blog that inspired it all, which includes how we are using Web 2.0 to promote the book (and, of course, we are using some of ideas we have in the book for using pop culture and technology to promote libraries. )

One of our ideas: get caught reading Pop and share the photo with us! Details are at Flickr.

The official publication date is August 11, but of course, you (or your library) can pre-order the book anytime directly from our publisher. It's also available from the usual suspects.

In the meanwhile, the blogging about the book will be taking place at the Book Blog. Yes, another blog to add to your reading!


Anonymous said...


tanita✿davis said...

Oh, YAY! You guys, it looks GREAT!

Unknown said...

Awesome! Congratulations!

BookMoot said...

What an absolute thrill! Congratulations!!!

Anna said...
