Sunday, July 26, 2009

Forget Challenges

OK, OK, if you like challenges, don't forget them. Head over to Color Online Color Me Brown Challenge.

As Rasco from RIF points out: I realized I personally must commit to do more on this blog regarding books featuring people who are not mirrors of me and that I must do so in a conscious, planned manner.

So yes, do the challenge for August. Read three books about People of Color.

But don't stop there. Read and review books about people of color every month.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Philip O'Mara said...

Read a great new romantic comedy following the fortunes of Paul Marriott, the Secretary of the Barnstorm Village Sunday soccer team, and coach of a school cricket team in Yorkshire, England. The story describes the remarkable camaraderie between the players and supporters of this little club and their desire to achieve success. Nonetheless, the team is known more for its antics off the field, rather than their performances on it.

During his time at the club he meets and becomes involved with Emma Potter, who is the sister of James Potter, a major player for their bitter rivals Moortown Inn. Thus, begins an entangled web of romance and conflict. He also begins working at Derry High School, a school with a poor reputation of academic success, where he becomes coach of the school cricket team. Here he develops an amazing relationship with the children and embarks on an epic journey.

tanita✿davis said...

WORD. And thank you.
You know I heart you.