Thursday, July 30, 2009

Twilight: The Movie

I watched Twilight.

And I liked it.

Especially this scene.

Carlie, appalled, insisted that I watch this instead right away to counter my joining Team Edward:

In my defense, I knew when I read the book and found it overwritten that it would work better, for me, visually. Also, the niece and nephew watched it and now want to be vampires (the good kind).

Finally, I realized that the scene above reminded me of something.... what could it be?

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Sophie Brookover said...

Carlie already knows this, but I may as well share my secret shame with the world: I went to see Twilight in the theater! Paying actual money to do so. There were quite a few so-bad-it's-good moments, but there were more likable, engrossing ones than horrendous ones. Can't say I'm on Team Edward, but I totally bought the chemistry between the two leads, which is really all I needed.

Angiegirl said...

Liz, thank you for this! That's my favorite scene in the movie as well. And I've been wondering why. You nailed it. My So-Called Life parallel. Totally makes sense to me now. ;)

Wendy said...

Very strange: I was thinking about that MSCL scene and replaying it in my head as I walked home from work last night, and thinking about how it's one of my all-time-greatest-scenes-in TV, and wondering if I could find it on youtube or would have to wait until my moving boxes arrive next week to see it again. Thanks!

Janssen said...

Definitely my favorite scene in the whole movie too. It was the first time I actually liked Robert Pattinson as Edward.

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