Saturday, September 12, 2009

Free Library of Philadelphia

I lived in Philadelphia for three years, after law school. One year clerking for a judge, two years at a law firm.

I used the library, back in the day.

And now; now I have friends who work there. Dedicated, caring, talented librarians who work in Philly because they care.

The City of Philadelphia is having budget woes, like pretty much everyone. Among other actions they are taking -- a total shut down of the Free Library of Pennsylvania.

The wording from the library website: We deeply regret to inform you that without the necessary budgetary legislation by the State Legislature in Harrisburg, the City of Philadelphia will not have the funds to operate our neighborhood branch libraries, regional libraries, or the Parkway Central Library after October 2, 2009.

More details about the closing are at the library website. Including the action that you can take.

Library Journal's coverage of the planned closings.

This is about more than libraries; as reported in the Philadelphia Inquirer, layoffs of police and firefighters are anticipated. Recreation centers are also closing. Senior centers are affected. Trash is going to a twice a month pickup. More from NBC Philadelphia.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Charlotte said...

This is so sad. I hope they manage to avert it...

Michelle said...

This literally makes me ill.

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I am so concerned about all this. I've written to legislators and will call them on Monday. Daycares and children's programs are suffering all over. PA State aid to schools for textbooks is canceled too. There is just no end to the severe consequences of not having a budget passed. I can't understand how our leaders can let this happen. What are they thinking?

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