Thursday, May 17, 2007

I Am So Mad

I am so mad about the cancellation of Veronica Mars.

I almost want to give up watching any new TV show, ever.


Lindsey said...

You know Alex Richards don't you? She was just ranting on her blog about this. She said she thought she was the only one who cared.

Danielle D. said...

I was also just ranting about this...

Kristen - 2ndgenlibrarian said...

Against all odds I'd been holding out hope. This makes me almost as mad as the end of Angel.

Niteowl said...

It had an alright run didn't it? Three seasons or something like that? At least it didn't get Fireflied.

MarPerez said...

When we heard the news, my daughter turned to me and said, "Well, you've killed another show, Mom." Since evidently, every show that I worship and adore is destined to shine brightly and very briefly.

I've been watching season 1 & 2 on dvd. But even though season 3 hasn't measured up, it's still better than half the stuff on TV.

The last time I was this sad about a cancellation was when Roswell was cancelled.
