Friday, September 29, 2006

Poetry Friday

Congratulations to Jack Prelutsky, the first Children's Poet Laureate.

Last Night I Dreamed of Chickens by Jack Prelutsky

Last night I dreamed of chickens,
there were chickens everywhere,
they were standing on my stomach,
they were nesting in my hair,

The rest of the poem is here.

Journey Woman shares a Calvin & Hobbes poem, A Nauseous Nocturne
A son at college is on A Wrung Sponge's mind
Cauliflower is celebrated in an original poem (called Broccoli and Cauliflower) at Gotta Book
KRM shares an original poem at The Simple And The Ordinary

Prelutsky is congratulated at Big A little
Roald Dahl may be found at Jen Robinson's Book Page
Escaping drying dishes via Shel Silverstein at Little Willow's Bildungsroman
Leaves are Falling at Check It Out
Under a Magnifying Glass at Farm School
This poem on Fire and Ice can be found at Susan Taylor Brown's livejournal
Shel Silverstein via YouTube at Bookshelves of Doom and A Fuse # 8 Production
Year of Reading shares Reluctance by Robert Frost

Prelutsky's Halloween Countdown appears at Blog From The Windowsill
Evangeline musings at Semicolon

Longfellow at Scholar's Blog
Another great poet, Mary Ann Hoberman, is championed at Chicken Spaghetti
Rodeo (actually, Miss Rodeo) spotlights a sonnet
Enjoying Garden Gossip at What Adrienne Thinks About That
Adventuring after dark with The Moon at MotherReader

Yes, I took some liberties with titles and authors but I think you see why! If I've missed you, please let me know in the comments (and let me know where you fit in the above; additions will be in bold.)

Added: Blog From the Windowsill at P


Nancy said...

nicely done!

Little Willow said...

Very nice! :)

christine M said...


web said...

Neat-o! :-)

I have a late entry - you can stick me at U for "Uninspired." :-)

Anonymous said...

Very creative!