Saturday, October 27, 2007

Cybils: Nominations Close November 21. And Highlander!

I know what you're doing.

You have a few different books you want to nominate; but you know, much like Highlander, there can only be one. One nomination per category.

So, you're sitting back, waiting, hoping some of your favorites will be nominated by other people, so that you don't have to decide to pick one; rather, once 3 of your 4 titles are picked, you'll nominate that title.

I know your strategy. And it is sense making. As long as you don't wait too long and miss the deadline! November 21, people. It's closer than you think. Go to the Cybils blog; check the current nominees; and nominate your favorite title!

And because it has one of the best songs ever, a little You Tube for you.

And yes, we all loved Methos.

Oh, yeah. Topic. Go post your Cybils nominations today!

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