Tuesday, October 09, 2007

First Annual Kidlitosphere Conference: Still More Reports

Miss Rumphius has a recap, including my new favorite video.

Book Buds brings her Part 2 recap. Anne gives a quick review of her talk. I'm still mulling over reviews. Much food for thought, and for writing. Anne's handouts were excellent. It was also eye-opening, in terms of perspectives of what a "good" review is, and definitely influenced some of my talking points for when I spoke about ethics. (Interestingly, even tho Anne and I did not confer beforehand, her talk was an excellent intro for mine, because she spoke on things I either wanted to mention or refer to, but knew there wouldn't be enough time.)

PlanetEsme shares her thoughts. An apartment for books; and, yes, sharing books and encouraging literacy. It's like a dream come true. Of course, the line I agree with the most is "in order to become true supporting characters in our children's reading life stories, we've got to be active participants and do all we can to widen our own girth of knowledge so we can individualize instruction using children's lit." To me, it is all about that individual fit and match, of book to reader.

MotherReader's tale of Kidlitosphere Conference 07 is uniquely MotherReader in tone and voice, and cautions one not to rely to much on one's iPhone. Perhaps the most important thing about her post? A photo of me that I don't hate. (You do know it is all about me, right?)

I cannot believe I forgot to include GottaBook's comments. Gregory K was tremendous fun in person (and no, did not talk in fibs all the time.)

Please leave a comment if I haven't included your post thus far.

Edited to add: MsMac reflects on volunteering for next year's conference.

And again: Barbara Shoup reports at The Flux Blog. I think "don't be a dick" is words we can all live by.

And again: Laini explores Esme's Magic Bookroom.

Edited to add: Propernoun, aka one of the many people I didn't get to sit down & chat with.

And Confessions of a Bibliovore shares her perspective. Including the tricks to getting ARCS.

Finally, my airport companion, Book Moot, posts. She believes she is the last; but I haven't gone thru the participant list. Anyone? Anyone?

And now we add Three Silly Chicks.


MotherReader said...

There's even a little cleavage going on in your picture, you little minx.

Great fun hanging out with you. Can't wait to do it again.

Liz B said...

MR, that's another way to build traffic! "come look at Liz B's cleavage."

Or, to have no one look at your site ever again....

It was so much fun; you better come up to Philly for ALA, even if it's just for the exhibits & hanging out!

Bkbuds said...

Our presentations coordinated because we're both brilliant, dincha know?

Thanks for the kind words. Can't wait until Portland.

Greg Pincus said...

Great meeting you, Liz! I was saying to someone that the Conference was like meeting up with 40 close friends, plus 20 other people who were close friends of the folks I knew, and therefore most likely to be friends of mine. Great fun, indeed. AND I second Fuse's praise o' your leading us in a session...