Monday, May 11, 2009

Teaser: Liar

Liar by Justine Larbalestier. Bloomsbury USA. October 2009. Reviewed from ARC. Copy from publisher.

Micah is a liar. She tells you so right on page one: "My father is a liar and so am I." And on the same page, she says: "I will tell you my story and I will tell it straight. No lies, no omissions." Micah is a senior. Zach, another senior, has gone missing. Micah may (or may not) have been dating him. Micah may (or may not) have been the last person to see him. Micah is a liar...and you're never sure when she's telling the truth. Does Micah even know what is true? What is a lie? And what has happened to Zach?

Without giving anything away (and leaving my full review for closer to the publication date), I will also add: this is a wonderful tale of suspense, with multiple mysteries, and a sense of foreboding and doom in the first half of the book that you can practically taste. It is not only being added to my Favorite Books Read in 2009 list; it's also going on my list of books I think are potential award winners.

Post that made me read this book: from Librarilly Blonde.

Teaser: A mini post about a book I've read that won't be published for several months. The full review will be posted closer to the publication date.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Lisa Schroeder said...

Wow, sounds good. I didn't realize Justine had another book coming out in the near future. She's a busy little author!!

Stasia D said...

It's so good.

Maggie Stiefvater said...

I'm really looking forward to this one!