Saturday, May 02, 2009

WSJ Corrects Newbery Error

As I reported here, an article in the Wall Street Journal stated that Joan Bauer's Peeled won a Newbery Honor.

While I have not yet received any response to the emails I sent to WSJ about the error, every few days I've checked back to the original article to see if there would be a correction. And today, there was one!

The article remains unchanged: Joan Bauer's "Peeled" (Putnam, 2008) won a Newbery Honor and hordes of young adult readers with its lively tale of a courageous teenage journalist who manages to outfox corporate interests that are trying to bamboozle a small apple-growing town.

But, the top of the article states See Correction & Amplification below and "below" contains the language Correction & Amplification: Author Joan Bauer won a Newbery Honor Award for her book "Hope Was Here" (2001), not for "Peeled" (2008), as was stated in this article.

I'm searching the Correction & Amplifications online, so cannot find the date this was done. Does anyone know if this correction appeared in the print edition?

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy

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