Saturday, April 10, 2010

I Don't Care What Betsy Says....

Having read Gwyneth Paltrow's GOOP Newsletter, featuring children's book recommendations including ones made by Betsy "Fuse #8" Bird, I prefer to believe that Gwyneth and Betsy are on a first name basis, and call each other "Gwynnie" and "Fuse." Actually, I picture all the people mentioned in the newsletter getting together over wine and cupcakes. Sure it was just Gwynnie's assistant....

What really impressed me was not Betsy's appearance in GOOP. Tho I am suitably impressed.

What really impressed me was how short Betsy's book blurbs were!!

All joking aside, congrats to Betsy and click thru to the GOOP Newsletter for some great book recommendations.

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


tanita✿davis said...

Not that there weren't some great books in that list, but what impressed me was Betsy's contribution to sharing a few books featuring kids of color, since there was only one other mentioned.

lisa and laura said...

Some really great books in there. Some that I've read, many that I haven't. I'll definitely check them out.

I'm actually sort of impressed that Gwynnie had a children's book edition! Personally, I'm still reeling from her Spring Style Guide. As hot as I would have looked in a vest and jeggings, I decided to keep it real with jeans and t-shirts. I'm SO 10 seasons ago.

OrangeRoom said...

I subscribe to GOOP, and I was so excited to see Betsy featured in the children's book section!! It was a great list, a lot of books that were unknown to me. But I thought it was awesome that they asked someone who knows about kids' books for a living on top of all the moms who also have tons of great ideas. Yay, Betsy!

Fuse #8 said...

Thanks, Tanita! No New York list is right without Collier and Myers, that's what I say. When's Jackie Woodson writing a New York based picture book? That's what I really want.

I can be brief if'n I wanna. Normally, doesn't come up much.

Thanks for reading!

And I call her "Neth" for short. But don't let it get around.