Monday, August 24, 2009

Blogging Survey

I am doing a double experiment; first, using Survey Monkey for the first time. Second, I'm a bit curious about how my online time working on the blog compares to others.

In terms of how I define "working on the blog": I don't include reading the actual books, but I do include drafting and posting; working on the blog template, sidebars, design; reading other blogs and commenting; Twittering and other related online activities that tie back to my blog; and reading news about books and publishing.

Here it is: my first survey. Click Here to take survey

Since, as with many things, I look at this as not only the survey itself but also the process involved, any comments/ suggestions on both using survey monkey and the survey itself would be informative. I'm not quite satisfied with the questions, but I'm not quite sure how I would tinker with them or what I would add. I know asking on average can be a bit tricky; some days are more than others, like days off I spend more time!

Why I'm including things outside of the actual blogging: because, like others, I view the social networking of blogging as just as important as the blog itself, so I tried to capture that time also in the survey.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Unknown said...

Hi, visiting via My Friend Amy. Off to take your survey!

MonieG said...

I took your survey!

Liz B said...

thanks! I'll report back on this & what other things I think I should have asked.

em said...

Took the survey. I think I prefer the polls like the one David Warlick of 2 cents uses here ( This way you get to see the results in a tangible form. With your survey, all I got was a page asking if I wanted to create my own survey. I suppose it's a good idea if you want to keep the results private, but I rather enjoy seeing the results...hope that helps :). Love your blog, btw.

Kelly said...

Just took the survey...looking forward to seeing the results! :)