Friday, October 30, 2009

Another FTC / Blogger Post; But a Must-Read

I know; there has been a flurry of posts about the FTC and Bloggers, especially about the FTC at the kidlitcon. Including my report.

Why read one more report?

Because it's the actual transcript. Olgy Gary wrote it up, and then fact-checked the contents with Mary Engle of the FTC to ensure accuracy in reporting.

So if you have questions; or wondered about how our reports varied; or just want to be on top of this matter; go to the Children Come First website for the New Federal Trade Commission Regulations Discussion.

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© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Natasha @ Maw Books said...

Liz - I'm not finding the transcript on his site at all. Can you relink?

Liz B said...

It's the New Federal Trade Commission Regulations Discussion link, above;

Olgy Gary said...

Thanks, Liz, for posting a link to Mary Engle's talk that she gave at this year's most excellent KidLit Conference. It was a great conference and Pam Coughlan was awesome in getting Ms. Engle to come and talk to us there. :-)