Monday, October 26, 2009

GalleyCat: People of Color

GalleyCat (The First Word On the Book Publishing Industry) has a feature called People of Color, focusing on books by people of color: it "feature authors, agents and other book publishing professionals who are at the top of their game and happen to be people of color."

Yes, cool -- but why is this cooler than cool?

Sometimes -- they feature books for kids and teens. I know! Recently, the highlighted
Secret Keeper by Mitali Perkins. Other authors highlighted include Laurence Yep and Paula Chase Hyman.

In case you're just starting to explore the online world of books, reading and publishing course, GalleyCat is a must-read for any book blogger, with tons of posts about the publishing industry, from news, to authors, to books.

Amazon Affiliate. If you click from here to Amazon and buy something, I receive a percentage of the purchase price.

© Elizabeth Burns of A Chair, A Fireplace & A Tea Cozy


Ryan Potter said...

Yes, the "People of Color" idea at GalleyCat is great...and long overdue. My friend teaches middle school ELA in an ethnically diverse community and often has trouble finding good material for minority students.

I have a feeling this is one market that will grow greatly in coming years.

Thanks for the update.

Color Online said...


Let's hope all students and other readers realize books by and about POC are for everybody not just minority students.