Wednesday, January 03, 2007

ALA Midwinter

It's just around the corner, ALA's Midwinter Meeting in Seattle.

If you're interested in getting together for dinner, let me know. Either drop a line in the comments of email me at lizzy.burns at so we can coordinate what night works best. I think Saturday is the only night that wouldn't be good for me.

Also, I have never been to Seattle and know nothing; if you are going and have a restaurant suggestion, please share! Close to the Convention Center probably makes the most sense.

And if you are not going but have a recommendation for those of us who will be there, please share!

When I posted about this back in September I got a few "yeses" but didn't do a good job with following up then. Deadline is coming so I'm finally getting my act together!

1 comment:

fusenumber8 said...

I'd love to join you again, but I will be booked up. Definitely pencil me in for the Washington D.C. Conference though. At that date my time will be yours.