Monday, January 29, 2007

Chickens To The Rescue

Chickens To The Rescue by John Himmelman. Library copy. Picture book.

The Plot: Are you too tired to cook dinner? Dog ate your homework? Did the duck take off in your truck? Don't worry -- Chickens to the rescue!!

The Good: This is funny as hell. It makes an awesome read aloud as you chant "chickens to the rescue!" along with all the kids.

The illustrations are hilarious! Because while this works reading to a large group, something is lost if you don't sit down and take your time with the pictures that depict the flurry of chickens as they "rescue" the situation. When the chickens are cooking dinner, they wear aprons. Doing homework? Books are open, papers litter the ground as those industrious chicks do their best.

Links: A Fuse No. 8 Production review.
Planet Esme review.
MotherReader review.
A Fuse No. 8 Production production.
Kids Lit review.
and for a different type of chicken:
Rotisserie Chickens to the Rescue. For those chickens willing to give their lives so that others may eat.


Erin said...

To add to your "Getting the phone call" post: I have an interview with Jennifer Holm on my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

I keep hearing about this book and haven't gotten a copy. After this review, I just ordered one. I can't stand not having a brilliant, hilarious book! Thanks for the review.

Vivian Mahoney said...

Another reason to find this book. Thanks.

MotherReader said...

Great book. Glad you got your hands on it.

Liz B said...

MR, it's an awesome book and Franki & HipWriterMama, you'll be sharing the love soon!

Miss Erin, I updated the post. Great interview!