Thursday, January 11, 2007

National Delurking Week

I saw this over at TagnognaT:

It's National Delurking Week!

So if you're a lurker here, please post "hi" in the comments.


christine M said...

I don't think I count as a lurker - but Hi anyway.

Anonymous said...

Since our blogs both link to each other, I'm not exactly a lurker, but HI. I don't think I've ever commented here. Nice to meet ya.

Anonymous said...

I think I've commented before but since I basically lurk everywhere I should probably say hi.

Nancy said...

I think I leave comments for you often enough to be a non-lurker, but I'd hate to break that trend, so I'm commenting again here!

Anonymous said...

I'm certainly not a lurker, but I'll say hi anyway.

Anonymous said...

*waving* hi!

Parrsboro Regional School Libraries said...

I'm definitely a lurker.


Anonymous said...

Longtime lurker, first time waver *waves*

Anonymous said...

I've been lurking here for about two weeks. Hello!

Anonymous said...

All right, if it's a national requirement and all.

I lurk and I love it. Keep up the good work here.

Anonymous said...

Love and cupcakes,

Brian Farrey said...

No lurker, I, but 'hi' I say just because Liz rocks.

Anonymous said...

- Lurking Faithful Reader

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a lurker trying to decide if library school is the path for me.

Anonymous said...

hi, liz.

it's your fault i'm a lurker. (well, you and chris barton.) your blogs started my lurking career.

thank you.
-annette ('mocking birdies')

Unknown said...

Lurker who loves the reviews!


Grace Lin said...

Hi (very shy!)

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I read you every day in bloglines. Is that lurking?

Anonymous said...

Hi! I'm a YS librarian in the Midwest who recently discovered your blog. Like you, I love books and Buffy! Thanks for the posts!

Liz B said...

Hi, everyone! Thank you for coming out of "lurkdom" (and those of you who weren't lurking...thanks for taking the time to say hello!)


Kristen - 2ndgenlibrarian said...

Hi! I'm delurking. Love the reviews, wish I had access to all the titles. I'm also a Buffy fan and YS librarian.

Liz B said...

Hi, Kristen!

Lady S. said...

Only a week late, but... Hi! Not sure if I've ever commented, but I certainly do read regularly. I'm normally hanging out at So Many Books.