Friday, January 05, 2007

Poetry Friday

Keep A Poem In Your Pocket
By Beatrice Schenk de Regniers

Keep a poem in your pocket
And a picture in your head
And you'll never feel lonely
At night when you're in bed.

The little poem will sing to you
The little picture bring to you
A dozen dreams to dance to you
At night when you're in bed.

Keep a picture in your pocket
And a poem in your head
And you'll never feel lonely
At night when you're in bed.

Source & Link: Poem In Your Pocket Day.

Round Up at the Blue Rose Girls.


Camille said...

How I love this poem. I keep it in my pocket when I am subbing and I love pulling it out and reading it to the kids. My copy is very worn and looks ancient. I kind of make a ceremony out of the process. I used to give prizes to kids who I could "catch" with a poem in their pocket during Poetry Week.

Thank you for reminding me to move the poem to my work jacket next week.

Liz B said...

This is the first non nursery rhyme poem that I memorized; and memorized just from the hearing of it, in a way that it seems like I've always known it. I love it!

Erin said...

Lovely poem. :)