Monday, February 12, 2007

CJRLC Tech Challenge

As I just posted over at Pop Goes the Library, The Central Jersey Regional Library Cooperative has issued the CJRLC Tech Challenge for "anyone who works in a CJRLC member library". Full details are here.

I work for a CJRLC member library; and I'm taking the challenge! Let's see what I still have "to do."

The short version of the challenge:

1. Start a blog relating to your library interests; post once a month, including photos! Done!

2. Start a Flickr photo account. Done!

3. Subscribe to an aggregator like bloglines and set up RSS feeds from blogs or websites. I subscribe to Bloglines (and that's how I read most of my blogs.)

4. Read about Web 2.0 and Library 2.0; post some comments on your blog. I'm going to have to check over at Pop to see if I have ever posted on either of these topics; in the meanwhile, I have a great idea for a post about Web 2.0 for this site, so stay tuned!

5. Learn to use at least one of the following: LibraryThing, Google Maps;; or Squidoo.
Being an over achiever, I'd like to learn how to use all of them. In the meanwhile, I did start accounts with both and Squidoo, I just have to make better use of them both.

6. Teach someone else how to use one of the technologies described above! Done: I've done formal workshops for places like CJRLC and MPOW and also informal one on one sessions.

The deadline is May 24, 2007. How to enter, etc. is also all at the CJRLC website. To support its members, the CJRLC is offering training.*

Even if you aren't a member library of the CJRLC -- take the challenge!


Unknown said...

I have my acount as part of my Google home page (if you don't have a customized google homepage you MUST get one - it is GREAT.) This is the only way I access websites and the best part is that I can log into my google homepage at home or at work and I have my links right there.

MsBHaven said...

Not only is there there is Blinklist but I haven't come across any 3rd party apps for Blinklist yet. Poo.

As for Web 2.0 this site - Web 2.0 has ALMOST every single Web 2.0 app every made and to be utilized.

In January 2006 someone made a collage of sorts of all the Web 2.0 logos and uoloaded it to flickr -

Andromeda Jazmon said...

I this Learning 2.0 thing with the 23 Things last fall and it was great. I learned so much! The site is the Pubic Library of Charlotte & Mecklenburg Co. and the blog is

Mary Lee said...

I'm in love with LibraryThing, but I stalled out after finishing most of my books at home. I think I'm going to buy one of those cute barcode readers before I tackle my books at school!