Saturday, May 06, 2006

Girl Detective

Colleen Mondor (Chasing Ray)'s latest Bookslut in Training column is up. It's called Girl Detective.

I want to add all of them to my to-be-read pile.

Gilda Joyce, Psychic Investigator by Jennifer Allison (which I am going to look for ASAP) and it's sequel, Gilda Joyce and the Ladies of the Lake

Lulu Dark and the Summer of the Fox by Bennett Maddison

Desert Crossing by Elise Broach (who wrote the wonderful Shakespeare's Secret) (and I just saw that Michele at Scholar's Blog reviewed Shakespeare's Secret today.)

and Darkhenge by Catherine Fisher, reviewed by me here. So while yay, I read this one, I did find out from this column that Fisher will have a new book out this summer, Corbenic, which reinterprets the Grail legend.


Anonymous said...

Just a quick comment from another C. Fisher fan to say Corbenic is fantastic. It was published in the UK a few years ago. It has all the strengths of Darkhenge and far more emotional punch, for me. I was pleased that Catherine Fisher said Cal was her favourite of her characters, as he was mine as well. I reread it before getting to meet her in February (Whee! Still excited about that) and only thought it better than the first time.

Will be interested to see what you think when you read it.

Michele said...

Ooh that looks interesting, Liz, thanks for the heads up on the new Broach book (and the link to my review of Shakespeare's Secret - the latter book is on my "to buy" list, the former on my "to borrow" one !)

Little Willow said...

I liked Gilda and would recommend it to grade school/middle school readers. I'll look for the sequel.

I read both Lulus because I'm the Razorbill cheerleader *Rah! Rah! Imprint!* but, er, I didn't like either one.

I liked Shakey's Secret; have yet to read Desert Crossing.

Ooh, will have to research those last two some more. I love well-done retellings of myths.